Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Money Pit

Hey, so for the past couple of months my dad has been working on the side of our house. He thought "oh we'll just take out this window and make a wall and then we can actually use the room for something". He didn't anticipate the amount of money that it would cost him in the end....we aren't even there yet. While working on the window area and the wall area around it they found something troubling. The wall was they took a look and unfortunately all the supports under the kitchen area where the stove and counters are were rotting as well.
It was a result of poor planning, and not enough thought when my Grandpa decided to build that section. He didn't put a concrete wall to keep the water off the wood and so we get the wood rot. The funny thing is that the office behind our house is built well, except that it also deflects water and other liquids into the wooden supports of our house.
So there you have it, the construction gongshow occuring at the Leask residence.
God bless!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So I apologize for those who may actually read these haha this is my first post since July, it has been busy busy busy with lots of changes....sounds a little like the weather doesn't it.
Anyways, Amy, my sister, is moving up to Courtenay where Rich is right now. Rich has a job at Northgate Foursquare doing the media and what not.
I have been put mostly in charge of the youth group here in Vic. Jansen is in leadership as well helping me out and I feel like God has something incredible he wants to do so I'm really excited about it. I'll have to work hard to make sure that I can balance youth, worship, work, and my personal God time but I know that I'm in a great place right now.
God has really blessed me and that's what has been going on in a my next blog I will fill you in on the Renovations at our house. It's a hilarious gong show and I'll fill you in later.
Bye for now!

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight

Well last night I went and saw the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight," and it was absolutely awesome. When it was first announced that Heath Ledger would be the Joker I cringed because to me it didn't seem like his kind of movie and I didn't think he could do the part. I must say though that the first time I heard the Joker laugh in the trailer I knew it was going to be intense, and wow was it ever. 

Amongst the action and intensity of the struggle and the Joker himself there were some great messages in it. The only thing I have to say is that obedience to God and to the call and gifts He's given us is essential to our lives. Holding onto morality and integrity is so important especially in these days. 

You see the morals, no integrity, no sense of right or wrong, and nothing of caring within him. He just is. Batman's struggle is to keep his integrity and morals whilst fighting that kind of evil. Anyways I won't type anymore for those who haven't seen it yet.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Well, finally I've come back to post something. I've been working pretty solidly this past week and heading into a week of almost nothing.
This past week we had a visit from Shell's family, her dad, mom, sister, grandparents, and the Klundts(some family friends). It was a pretty fun visit when I wasn't working with carriage rides and trips to the breakwater and the Beacon Drive-inn. It was also good to see both families come together and have it feel like it's one family and not two.
Anyways, I have more posts coming, there has been a lot going on!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pursuing Love

I've been thinking lately about an opportunity God gave me the other day to share Christ. I was at work and it was a busy night, lots to set for the next day. Anyways I finished up at the Delta and was on my way to the Harbour Towers and as I left I saw this man leaning up against a tree. As I passed him he began to yell at me from about 5 feet away it was rather humourous. He definitely had been drinking, his breath wreaked of alcohol, but usually I let them speak and see if I can decipher what it is they are trying to say.

This man was in some very deep and sorrowful pain, shown quite vividly through his eyes, and I felt God's love resting upon him. I ended up talking with him for about an hour, talking about God's love for him and God's plan and I could see that he was being encouraged. He even said to me that he knew God was chasing him but he was really confused and scared because he was an "atheist."

He gave me his e-mail, and left and I continued on to work praying all the way there and a lot of the way home. But God was there with him and I know that there was a seed planted that's going to produce fruit in him so if there is anyone who would also like to pray for him, his name is Dana, and I'll leave it at that!

God is Good!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Youth This Week!

At youth group this week we were reading Matthew 16.
There were some choice verses that spearheaded our discussion, the first one being verse 16 that covers Peter's confession that Jesus was the Christ and not just some prophet. This information did not come from his own thoughts but from the Father, so Jesus called him blessed.

In verse 17 Jesus says, "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it." What many people don't notice is that Jesus wasn't saying that He was going to build the church on Peter, He was saying that He would build His church upon Himself and that He is the only one truly stable and unmovable.

Jesus was trying to show Peter and us that we need to be firmly planted in Him. It's all about losing ourselves in Jesus, and when we do that's when we gain real life.

Be Blessed!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hey there! This would be my first post on my new blog!
Recently, I was up in Courtenay visiting my Master's Commission and Northgate family. During the grad ceremony the MC Class for this year performed a group song for the church family. Needless to say it was amazingly is a video clip of's a little rough but still awesome!
(Just Copy and Paste it to your Address bar)