Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight

Well last night I went and saw the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight," and it was absolutely awesome. When it was first announced that Heath Ledger would be the Joker I cringed because to me it didn't seem like his kind of movie and I didn't think he could do the part. I must say though that the first time I heard the Joker laugh in the trailer I knew it was going to be intense, and wow was it ever. 

Amongst the action and intensity of the struggle and the Joker himself there were some great messages in it. The only thing I have to say is that obedience to God and to the call and gifts He's given us is essential to our lives. Holding onto morality and integrity is so important especially in these days. 

You see the morals, no integrity, no sense of right or wrong, and nothing of caring within him. He just is. Batman's struggle is to keep his integrity and morals whilst fighting that kind of evil. Anyways I won't type anymore for those who haven't seen it yet.


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