Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Money Pit

Hey, so for the past couple of months my dad has been working on the side of our house. He thought "oh we'll just take out this window and make a wall and then we can actually use the room for something". He didn't anticipate the amount of money that it would cost him in the end....we aren't even there yet. While working on the window area and the wall area around it they found something troubling. The wall was they took a look and unfortunately all the supports under the kitchen area where the stove and counters are were rotting as well.
It was a result of poor planning, and not enough thought when my Grandpa decided to build that section. He didn't put a concrete wall to keep the water off the wood and so we get the wood rot. The funny thing is that the office behind our house is built well, except that it also deflects water and other liquids into the wooden supports of our house.
So there you have it, the construction gongshow occuring at the Leask residence.
God bless!

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